A year and a half ago, Erika, then in 8th grade, was struggling with even basic (3rd grade) arithmetic. Now in 10th grade, she is learning 11th grade PreCalculus. Erika has rocketed from Zero to (Pre-)Calculus in just 18 months at TechProtege.
Jared, age 6, has solved math problems like 220 = 1,048,576 (which is 1 MegaByte) in his head at TechProtege! Currently, 6-year-old Jared is learning Algebra 1 and Chess Strategy & Tactics at TechProtege.
For More Info, Just SCROLL DOWN
(DOUBLE-CLICK to Play This 30-Second Video)
Your Son or Daughter Could Reach
College-Level Engineering, Science, Math Years Early
For an Outstanding Rocket Start to His or Her Career!
Even Faster Than Many (or Most) "Gifted", "Honors", & "Magnet" Programs!
Would You Spend Just 3 Hours Per Week
For Your Son or Daughter to Rocket Ahead?
"From Zero to Calculus" ® is a strategic, streamlined math curriculum offered exclusively at the TechProtege office in Century City (adjacent to Beverly Hills), California, emphasizing math concepts, problem-solving, and test-taking tips that helps kids excel at math years ahead of typical schools.
Taught by an expert instructor with math exam scores in the 99.9th percentile, your kids now have the opportunity to become outstanding years ahead of typical schools, for the high tech fields of the future.
How valuable would it be to your son's or daughter's career
for him or her to learn Math from Basic Arithmetic all the way through College-Level Calculus
-- even Physics and an Intro to Engineering! --
YEARS Ahead of typical, even "Honors", students his or her age?
“Now I am ahead of the majority of my peers.”
— Joseph, Age 15, learned
Trig & Calculus in just 4 weeks
at TechProtege.
Call Today: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ

Street Map

Sky View
TechProtege, LLC
1901 Avenue of the Stars • Suite 200
One Mile East of the 405 Freeway:
Exit Santa Monica Blvd.
Century City, CA 90067
• By Appointment Only •
Phone: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
You'll See the High-Rise Office Buildings at Avenue of the Stars
One Mile East of the 405 Freeway, Just Before Beverly Hills.


"The Sooner You Start at TechProtege,
The Sooner Your Son or Daughter
Can Reach Outstanding Achievements!"
Enroll Your Son or Daughter Today at TechProtege!
Call Today: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
Fun Stuff:
It's amazing: Even with iPhones, iPads, Droid phones, Wii games, and more, kids today still love the centuries-old classic game of Chess!
As rich as Ph.D. studies in Strategic Dynamics and Tactical Operations, Chess teaches kids the values of step-by-step thinking, pattern recognition, strategic positioning, and accurate implementation.
Chess is like body-building for the brain. Build your kids' math muscles!
Chess! "The Game of Kings" • Strategy & Tactics
Learn Chess Opening Theory, Checkmate Patterns, Endgames, Tactics, & Positional Strategy!
See Selected Games of Champions: Morphy, Capablanca, Alekhine, Petrosian, Tal, Fischer, Kasparov, and More!
A Great Way to Build Your Son's or Daughter's Skills!
Problem Solving,
Step-By-Step & Strategic Thinking, Logistics Coordination, Resource Utilization, Accurate Implementation, and just in general "Thinking Ahead"!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $195 $175.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $695 $625.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $70! |
Chess: Strategy & Tactics
Phone: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
Easy Tech! Intro to Innovation & Technology!
Your Kids or Teens Can Explore Technologies & Build Their Own Projects!
They'll Learn Physics, Mechanics, Electronics, Computer Programming & More While Building Toys & Games!
Your Kids or Teens Can Rocket Toward Engineering Lab Projects!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $245 $225.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20!
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $895 $795.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $100! |
Easy Tech: Intro to Innovation & Technology
Phone: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
3... 2... 1...
Your kids can learn Math much faster than how it is taught in typical K-12 schools.
How much faster? Learning speeds vary from individual to individual, but at TechProtege we often accelerate learning speeds to 4 or 5 times faster than regular schools. This means that 1 year from now, your kids could be 5 years ahead!
How do we do this? Enroll and see for yourself! A streamlined, strategic curriculum... Simplified, yet highly versatile concepts & techniques... Tactical drills and training systems... Test-taking tips & strategies... plus perspective for the "Big Picture" of where it's all going and what things mean. Backed up by an instructor with math exam scores and awards in the 99.9th percentile, we'll get your kids solving hard math problems too.
Are your kids still lugging around 1,000-page textbooks that they only partly understand, and that let them advance only 1 grade level per year?
Enroll your kids "From Zero To Calculus" ® at TechProtege and then ask yourself why you didn't enroll them sooner!
(Adults have asked where was this faster, easier course when they were in school?)
Basic Math: Arithmetic, Fractions, Decimals, & Percent
These are the fundamental math skills your son or daughter will use in everyday life, whether shopping at the supermarket, paying bills, balancing a checkbook, or working at almost any business or profession. Build solid understanding and strong skills as a base for further achievement!
In The TechProtege ® System "From Zero To Calculus" ®, These Fundamentals Can Be Learned Much, Much Faster Than In The Typical 4-Year Progression From Approximately 3rd Through 6th Grades At Ordinary Schools! Your Son or Daughter Could Cover This Ground In Just Weeks Or Months At TechProtege!
Small class sizes individualized to your son's or daughter's current level, speed, interests, & needs!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $195 $175.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $695 $625.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $70! |
Basic Math: Arithmetic, Fractions, Decimals & Percent
Enroll For 16 Lessons And LOCK-IN This Low Price For All 16 Lessons!
EVEN IF Your Son Or Daughter Has Advanced To The Next Level By Then!
Intermediate Math: Algebra 1 & Geometry
These are the math
skills your son or daughter could use in semi-technical fields such as business management, banking & finance, real estate, construction, or nursing. Also, these are the key skills upon which more advanced math depends: Many problems in Calculus are merely more complex & detailed versions of Algebra & Geometry problems. By learning these skills well, your son or daughter will have a strong foundation for moving into the more advanced technical fields that are proliferating in our modern, global economy.
In The TechProtege ® System "From Zero To Calculus"
®, These Fundamentals Can Be Learned Much, Much Faster Than In The
Typical 4-Year Progression From Approximately 7th Through 10th Grades At
Ordinary Schools! Your Son or Daughter Could Cover This Ground In Just Weeks Or Months At TechProtege!
Small class sizes individualized to your son's or daughter's current level, speed, interests, & needs!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $245 $225.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $895 $795.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $100! |
Intermediate Math: Algebra 1 & Geometry
Enroll For 16 Lessons And LOCK-IN This Low Price For All 16 Lessons!
EVEN IF Your Son Or Daughter Has Advanced To The Next Level By Then!
Advanced Math: Algebra 2, Trig, PreCalc, & Calculus
These are the math
skills that will enable your son or daughter to enter advanced technical fields such as
scientific or medical research, engineering, technology development, and computer science. These fields are expanding exponentially, from basic material sciences to nanotechnology, from medicine and microbiology to genetics, from algorithm development to speech and video recognition, robotics, advanced networking and electronic communications, energy, security, and more. Like a First Degree Black Belt in the martial arts, Calculus is "only the beginning" of advanced technical pursuits.
In The TechProtege ® System "From Zero To Calculus"
®, These Skills Can Be Learned Much, Much Faster Than In The
Typical 2-Year Progression From Approximately 11th Through 12th Grades At
Ordinary Schools! Your Son or Daughter Could Cover This Ground In Just Weeks Or Months At TechProtege!
Small class sizes individualized to your son's or daughter's current level, speed, interests, & needs!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $295 $275.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $1,095 $995.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $100!
Advanced Math: Algebra 2, Trig, PreCalc, & Calculus
Phone: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
"If a Professional Coach & Talent Scout
For a Major Sports Team Told You:
'Your Kid Could Go Pro in 2 Years with the Right Training', Would
You Find 90 Minutes Once or Twice per Week So Your Kid Could Train?"
Now that your kids know Algebra 2 through Calculus, they're ready to rocket into the real world of technology!
These next courses launch your kids into the high-tech future!
Physics & The Fundamentals of Technology!
(Requires "Advanced Math")
The "Laws of Physics" govern all motion of physical, solid objects as well as energy. Learning basic Physics will help your son or daughter understand:
• Why certain sports moves or techniques work better than others
• How basic machines, motors, vehicles, and devices work
• What "energy" means, what forms it comes in, and how to
utilize it to enable greater abilities as well as a cleaner, healthier
• How to analyze issues and situations, break them down into fundamental factors and forces, diagram them, look for improvements, and find solutions. (These skills also apply to many issues far beyond "just" science & technology!)
Physics is the foundation of most technology, and provides a springboard to engineering. Without this foundation, many designs are merely "castles in the sky". With this foundation, your son or daughter is ready to rocket skyward into the worlds of science, engineering and technology.
In The TechProtege ® System, "Physics & The Fundamentals of Technology" Teaches Basic Physical Science (Approximately 8th Grade) Through A.P. Physics (and Even into Lower Division College Physics, Per Individual Student Interest), Much, Much Faster Than Do Typical Schools! Your Son or Daughter Could Cover This Ground In Just Weeks Or Months At TechProtege!
After Completing This Topic, Your Son or Daughter Should Be Ready To Take College-Level Engineering Courses-- Even If He Or She Is Still Well Under 18!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $295 $275.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $1,095 $995.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $100! |
Physics & The Fundamentals of Technology
Phone: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
Intro to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
(Requires "Physics")
Moving beyond A.P. Physics, this "Intro to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science" begins your son's or daughter's journey toward esteemed BSEE, BSCS, or similar engineering degree work. Here, your son or daughter will learn about:
• Electric circuits and basic analog & digital electronics
• Basic computer architecture and computer programming (utilizing C++ and/or other languages)
• Electronic signals, the electromagnetic spectrum, and electronic communication systems, including modulation, encoding, and multiplexing for radio waves and fiber optics
• Fundamental computer networking, the internet, and wireless technologies
• Algorithms, artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality
• The history and future of technological trends
Typically taught in first- or second-year college engineering courses, an introduction to these topics and skills will give your son or daughter great insight into applying technical skills in the real world of science and technology.
Why Wait For College (Can You Say "$20,000 Per Year Tuition"?) When Your Teenage Son Or Daughter Could Rocket Into His Or Her High-Tech Career Now? Get Years Ahead At TechProtege!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
Lessons: $295 $275.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $20! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
Lessons: $1,095 $995.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $100!
Intro to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Why Your Kids Should Rocket "From Zero To Calculus":
Sending your kids through just the standard curricula in ordinary American schools unfortunately is not enough to compete effectively in our increasingly global economy. Here below is what experts say about the current state of education in America*. Now don't you want your kids to rocket ahead of the crowd?
“When I compare our high schools to what I see when I’m traveling abroad, I’m terrified for our workforce of tomorrow.”
– Bill Gates, Founder, Microsoft Corp.
“If you don’t solve (the K-12 education problem), nothing else is going to matter all that much.”
– Alan Greenspan, former Chairman, Federal Reserve
“[Many states are] lying to children and their parents, because states have dumbed down their standards.”
– Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education
“[C]ountries that out-teach us today will outcompete us tomorrow.”
– President Barack Obama
“It’s time we once again put science at the top of our agenda and work to restore America’s place as the world leader in science and technology.”
– President Barack Obama
“We had more sports-exercise majors graduate than electrical engineering graduates last year. If you want to become the massage capital of the world, you’re well on your way.”
– Jeff Immelt, CEO, General Electric Co.
“The United States now ranks 25th among 30 industrialized countries in math. If I told you your basketball team finished in 25th place, you’d be outraged.”
– Robert Wise, Former Governor, West Virginia
“If we’re number one in technology, why do I have to call India for tech support?”
– Jay Leno, Entertainer
Far beyond the above situation, the TechProtege ® System From Zero to Calculus ® can teach your kids 4 or 5 times faster than typical school programs.
As an added bonus while rocketing ahead, your kids will learn expert test-taking tips and strategies from an instructor with math exam scores consistently in the 99.9th percentile. Boost your kids' future!
More "Rising Stars" at TechProtege:
Daianna (age 14), Damon (age 12), and Damiyanna (age 16) are all getting ahead.
"You'll Ask Yourself
Why You Didn't Enroll
Your Son Or Daughter Earlier!"
Enroll Today
Let Your Kids
Rocket Ahead!
Private Lessons:
Any Level, Any Subject, or Any Combination of These Subjects
• MATH: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
• CHESS: Tactics & Strategy
• PHYSICS: Basic, Advanced Placement (AP), 1st Year College Engineering Level
• TECH PROJECTS: Build Working Toys & Projects Showing & Learning Engineering, Computer, and/or Technology Concepts (Kids Through 1st Year College)
Get Years Ahead At TechProtege!
Enroll now & you will be contacted within 24 hours
to schedule your lessons (subject to availability).
Four (4) 90-Minute
PRIVATE Lessons:
$595 $540.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $55! |
Sixteen (16) 90-Minute
PRIVATE Lessons:
$2,380 $1,920.
Prepaid Web Discount:
SAVE $460!
Private Lessons at TechProtege
Call Today: (888) 7-MATH-WIZ
Wait... Did you say: "Faster" AND "Easier" than math at regular schools? How is that possible? If it's faster, doesn't that mean it's really hard? Does my kid have to be a "Genius"?
Well, Being a genius won't hurt him or her any, but actually the TechProtege ® System "From Zero To Calculus" ® is designed for kids who want to BECOME gifted "geniuses" every bit as much as for kids who already are.
Further, the TechProtege ® System "From Zero To Calculus" ® is designed to help kids succeed and succeed soon, since it's not "being" a genius that counts, but rather how your son or daughter UTILIZES these skills and abilities to reach new goals and new horizons.
Enter TechProtege ® "From Zero To Calculus" ® and Rocket Ahead!
(By the way, isn't DRIVING a mile BOTH EASIER and FASTER than WALKING that mile?)
OUR MISSION at TechProtege
Is to Make Your Son or Daughter
Outstanding at Math & Technology.
A Stand-Out,
Years Ahead of Ordinary Schools.
Apple & Microsoft,
Google & Yahoo!,
PayPal & Facebook
All Were Started By College-Age Students.
What Will Your Son or Daughter Start
By the Time He or She is College-Age?

"Just Think... If You Had Enrolled Your Kids Last Year, They Could Be Far Ahead By Now! Enroll Right Now."
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Just call us at (888) 7-MATH-WIZ.
Or just type in your question here,
and we'll get right back to you ASAP.